Tuesday 17 February 2015


Good grooming is a term which is commonly used to refer to a person's appearance. It comprises well dressing, personal hygiene and tidy hair.Individual animals regularly clean themselves and put their fur, feathers or other skin coverings in good order. Cats groom so much that they often produce hairballs from the fur they ingest.So basically all living beings have a way of grooming themselves and that’s why I took time to talk to you about this very important practice of good grooming in human beings.
Paying attention to grooming demonstrates respect for you and for others.  You should look great but nobody should quite know why nor how you got there. It’s about looking tanned but not fake-tanned, having a great smile but not one so blindingly white it causes retinal damage to passers-by, and smelling good but not too good. It’s about keeping the illusion and the tricks of your trade. It should be an identity, in that your personal grooming makes you stand out and people can also describe you by the way you groom yourself. The way you take care of your body and anything you put on it is an important part of your image. 


Ø  Personal grooming has become the buzz word among the fashion conscious and sometimes even the not so fashion conscious. It has become even more important among both men and women. Whether you like it or not, society is going to perceive you by your appearance and how you take care of your looks. Unlike in the olden days, there is so much information and products available out there today on how to enhance your looks. So, with all this help and advice available, we simply cannot ignore ‘personal grooming’.
A person with bad personal grooming habits can be spotted from anywhere. So follow these simple steps on personal grooming and take good care of yourself and the way you look out there.
Ø  It makes one look attractive
Ø  It builds up self confidence
When grooming, it is important to know your occasion we normally dress according to the event at hand. I will give you’re a few dress codes for different venues/occasions
Ø  Corporate/Office dress codes
Ø  Informal/Semi formal wear
Ø  Cocktail Attires
Ø  Festive Attires
Ø  Casual wear; dressy casual, casual and business casual

Taking Care Of Your Persona
·         Start with the way you smell. This is a key feature in personal grooming. Always choose perfumes, lotions and deodorants with appealing odour. This will certainly boost your personality. No matter how much make up you apply on your face, it’s important that you smell good.
·         Your hands and feet play a vital role in how you are perceived out there. They tell a lot about your cleanliness. Therefore, they must be very well kept and taken care of all the time. At least twice a month, go for a good relaxing manicure and pedicure. Make sure your nail polish is changed frequently and that your nails are trimmed and well kept.
·         Your hair plays an important role in personal grooming, as well. Keep your hair clean and brushed well without tangles. Use hair care products that smell great. You need not wear over the top hairdos all the time. Keep it simple. After all, simple is elegant. So keep your hair in good shape and take good care of it. You can accessorize your hair with simple yet stylish hair pins or bands.
·         Take good care of your skin. Follow a healthy diet plan which will radiate the true beauty of your skin and drink lots and lots of water. One thing you will notice in people who practice good personal grooming tips is skin that is clear and smooth.
·         Dental hygiene is vital too. Keep those teeth clean and white. Make sure you visit your dentist at least once in every six months. Regular brushing will breathe fresh.
·         Remove unwanted hair like facial hair and underarm hair. Shape your eyebrows regularly. Also, if you are using make up, learn to do it properly. A smudgy, untidy effect will certainly put you off.
Follow these important yet simple personal grooming tips and you will realize that it is worth it, and that you and your body deserve it. After all, you don’t want to send the wrong impression about yourself.

No matter what your profession or occupation may be a busy mother at home caring for little ones, or high-ranking metropolitan lawyer each of you experience insufficient time in the morning.  Especially when it comes to taking care of oneself in the little acts like making sure your shoes are well shined or a thread needs cutting on your skirt.
So I encourage you whatever your profession is, to take a few moments in the morning to become an attractive and neat lady, by following these steps below.
1. A well-tended, pretty hairdo that is neat and sensible for the job.
2. Clear eyes, nicely shaped brows.
3. Clean teeth, ‘sweet mouth’.
4. Don’t forget the deodorant!  No odor offense please!
5. Keep a good manicure, well-shaped, clean nails.
6. Outfit to be spic and span, free of lint, neatly pressed, practical and coordinated.
8. Look behind!  Take a double check of the back of your outfit before heading out the door.  Making sure seam is straight and slip is not drooping.
9. Polish and clean shoes, making sure no scuff marks be seen!
10.  In your lunch break, take a moment or two to freshen up: run a brush through your hair, a few spits of perfume, and make sure skirt is sitting straight neat.

1. Trim the nose hairs.
This is something very basic that makes a world of difference. Believe me when I tell you this is something that people do notice.
2. Trim the eyebrows.
I actually even recommend getting them professionally cleaned (not shaped) to open up the eyes. Remember to brush them up before you leave for the day as this opens up the eye, keeping the face more alert.
3. Clean the hair off your ears and neck.
This is something your barber can do for you monthly that gives the appearance of good grooming. The sight of long ear hairs, or neck hair going into the collar of your shirt, is never appealing.
4. Keep your nails short and clean.
Dirty, long fingernails require no explanation as to why they don't work. If your budget or schedule permits, try a monthly manicure/pedicure to have someone take care of this for you.
5. Brush and floss your teeth daily.
I've always believed that it doesn't matter if your teeth are not perfectly straight and white, but please keep them clean. It is rather unappealing to talk to someone and see food stuck between their teeth. 
6. Have your clothes tailored to fit your body.
This is a big one, as no matter what your shape is, the right fit makes everything look so much better.

7. Stand up straight.
Mom always told me that posture was important, and she was right. You create a sense of confidence and pride when standing tall, showing everyone you are secure in the man you are.
8. Cleanse your face on a regular basis with a facial soap.
I have so many male friends who use the same soap on their body that they use on their face. Most body soaps are too strong for the face. You must invest in a cleanser that is just for the face as the facial skin is much more sensitive than the skin on the body.
9. Remember, less is more when it comes to fragrance.
It's all right to smell good, but everyone doesn't have to smell it. Fragrance is such a personal preference, and you really must find the one that works best for you. Just remember not to bathe in it.
10. Match your belt to your shoes.
This one is really simple and makes a world of difference. If you are wearing black shoes, you don't wear a brown belt. I'm not saying you need to be a fashion plate, but this basic tip makes everything you wear look that much better.