Thursday 22 September 2016

Scars into Stars!

When people look at me they think I've got it all together! What they don't know is that ,what they see is simply struggle wrapped with strength and confidence..... here's to every one who's got their game face on no matter what they are going through.

Women have strengths that amazes men. We can handle trouble and carry heavy burdens. We hold happiness,love and opinions. We smile when we feel like screaming and we are happy when we are afraid, our love is unconditional. But we sometimes forget that we are worth praises in our personality in every shape; a mother,  a friend, a sister, a daughter, a teacher and a wife.
 Be your own kind of beautiful! My imperfections make me the gem i am today

'Sometimes a strong woman just needs to be loved" - R.M. Drake  :)

" You are someone's best thing, you are someone's favourite moment not matter how broken you feel, there will be someone who knows all your flaws and still see perfection when they look at you" - R. H. Sin

 I have been through a lot and that has made me harden but that's not who i really am at core. There are times i break down and cry, i overthink everything and i get too emotional. What i don't do is... let the pain define me any more. Life goes on, whatever situation you are going through, you are going to grow stronger,  a more beautiful woman. I am proud of the scars in my soul. It takes a while but eventually you'll understand that somethings can not be controlled. No matter how bad you want to, you just can't .If we would turn back a different route, we would but pain demands to be felt. It's so hard to seat back and reminisce about a future you had seen everything perfect yet where you at right now is totally different.. Be hopeful because its always going to be you against the world.It doesn't mean that things can not change. In the meantime just take care of you. Be your own testimony. God doesn't need anyone's approval for your story. One day those people who said no to you will wish they had said yes! You are destined for greatness and let no one tell you otherwise.  Fear to move on is our greatest fear, but hey.... let go and let God.

                  I survived that which was supposed to kill me! 

Quirky is sexy. Like scars or chipped teeth I also love tattoos , they are marks of the soul,they act as a window we can see through or they can be our shield to protect us from those who can't see past the surface..

The greatest prison people live in is the fear of what other people think,secretly we are all a little more absurd than we make ourselves out to be. No one can make you feel inferior without your own consent.
The most alluring thing a woman can have is confidence!

Keep Calm and Stay Groovy ;)

" If i can have any impact, i want women to feel good about themselves and have fun with fashion."

 -   Mitchelle Obama

"Your life should consist of making yourself happy before giving your laughter to someone else" - R. M . Drake

I am my own cheerleader ;) !

" Faith is taking the first step even if you cant see the whole staircase."

 - Martin Luther King Jr

Don't ask God to guide you if you are not willing to move your feet.

Only in the darkness can you see the stars. God can restore what is broken and turn it into something amazing. All you need to do is to have faith.
" There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you."

_ Maya Angelou

Unveil your scars with pride.
" Be the kind of woman that makes other women want to be you." - Topaz

Hair by Beatrice Achieng' - +254 723 462 839
Photography by Dixon Andiwa of ADD Concept - +254 710 947 195


  1. Inspirational and powerful.You look amazing by the way. #proudWoman

  2. Awesome article.
    Proud of you Yvonne. You are an inspiration.

    1. thanks dear, i really appreciate your support through it all. God bless you.

  3. Lots of encouragement for us all dear... thank you, for my unborn child

  4. Welcome and thank you for the feedback.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Awesome Yvone.Soldier on..The gift of a man makes a way for him,it ushers him before the great(prov 18;16)
